Our Management Team

We have three registered managers who lead the service and who hold a range of skills, qualifications and expertise:

  • BA Hons in Learning Disabilities
  • Bild Diploma in Challenging Behaviour
  • Registered Managers Awards- NVQ 4 Management
  • Registered Managers Awards- NVQ 5 Management
  • Positive Behaviour Management trainers
  • Accredited Trainers and Assessors

We have decades of experience in leading and supporting  teams to provide safe, responsive, respectful person centred support to people with learning disabilities.








Assistant Managers/Team Leaders

Our support staff will:

Support and reassure each service user to gain our trust whilst they are with our service.
Ensure that each person has the opportunity to gain new experiences and engage in meaningful activities with whatever assistance they require.
Respect people’s individual’s wishes and needs, whilst ensuring that people are able to exercise their rights
Recognise the individuality and uniqueness of each person, thus ensuring that opportunities exist for individuals self – expression and autonomy.
Support people to take an active role in decision making processes around their own service provision and developing the wider service.









Highly Trained Staff:

Firstly, we want to select the kind of staff that our service users would choose; we involve individuals and their families in our recruitment and selection processes.

Our staff possess a range of experience in working with adults with learning disabilities. The staff team will be expected to complete all mandatory training, Safeguarding is done annually and NVQ Level 2/3 and equivalent diplomas in Social Care to comply with standards.
All new staff complete our service Induction programme as part of their six month Induction into the service which follows and adheres to the new Care Certificate 2015.

In addition, specialist training can be accessed through in-service training or joint working with other agencies. There is a ‘rolling programme’ for staff training and development on topics such as epilepsy, autism, challenging behaviour, person centred planning, report writing, nutrition, mental capacity and best interest decisions and this can be accessed by all people employed by Healey Care Ltd.

Training is constantly reviewed and updated to meet the needs of the individuals who use the service and to meet the development needs of the individual staff.

The Team Leaders and Senior Support Workers have undertaken relevant management and supervisory training in order to ensure that their staff team maintain and develop good standards of work.

We want our service delivery to be guided by the views of the people who use our services and other stakeholders. It is important to us that we manage and organise all our activities in an open and transparent way so that people can see what we do and how well we do it.


As part of the services we offer, we are required to process personal data about our staff, our service users and, in some instances, the friends or relatives of our service users and staff. For more information click Privacy Notice